Wholesale Handbags, Purses, Sling Bags & Fashion Accessories!

Mezon Handbags is one of the best suppliers of wholesale handbags. We specialize in wholesale fashion handbags, wallets, hobo bags, women's sunglasses, and scarves you can't find elsewhere in the U.S.A. We are located in California and offer mix-and-match shopping options.

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Wholesale News

  • Apr 30, 2024Price Match GuaranteeWe will match the price if you find any of our products for a lower price elsewhere.
  • Apr 1, 2024Free Gifts on all orderWe will include $15 to $100 free gifts based on order value.
  • Jun 17, 2021Low Minimum orderThe lowest minimum order for wholesale shopping in the USA plus free gifts promotion.
  • May 23, 2019Only WholesaleRegarding out of stocks and wholesale program
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